Pakistan Day celebrated in Dubai

A large number of diplomats, Government officials and Pakistani community members gathered to celebrate Pakistan Day in Dubai at National Day Reception organized by Consulate General of Pakistan in Dubai on Monday.

The event started with a performance by the Dubai Police band playing to the tunes of Pakistan and UAE National Anthems followed by Pakistani National songs.

While addressing the event, the Consul General of Pakistan to Dubai, Hassan Afzal Khan said that every year on 23rd March, Pakistan Day is celebrated to commemorate the Lahore Resolution which is considered a major milestone in the vision and journey for Muslims to achieve an independent State. It was on 23rd March 1940 when the Muslims of the sub-continent under visionary leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah adopted the ‘Pakistan Resolution’ at Lahore and commenced their journey towards freedom and nationhood. Today we pay tribute to our forefathers for their struggles and sacrifices in creation of our beautiful homeland.

Thanking the diplomatic community, government officials attending the event, the Consul General said that it is heartening to see members from the diplomatic community and UAE government officials joining Pakistani community today as we celebrate Pakistan Resolution Day. Today we begin these celebrations that will continue till 23rd March.

Two Flag hoisting ceremonies will be held on 23rd March this year, one at the Consulate General of Pakistan, Dubai and second at the Pakistan Embassy in Abu Dhabi.

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