Dubai Police Marks International Workers’ Day
Dubai Police, represented by the General Department of Logistic Support, held a special event to mark International Workers’ Day, which falls on the 1st of May every year. The celebration was attended by Major General Ali Ghanim, Director of the General Department of Logistic Support, other department directors, and a number of officers.
Major General Ali Ghanim highlighted that honouring this vital group of workers is in line with the directives of His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, emphasising the importance of recognising the contributions of these workers who play a significant role in making our lives better and more beautiful.
Ghanim added that Dubai Police has a dedicated group of workers who work tirelessly and with great devotion within the police organisation. He praised their collaborative efforts alongside their military counterparts in establishing security and safety for the community members.
Ghanim pointed out that celebrating this group of workers reflects Dubai Police’s commitment to preserving their rights and providing a suitable working environment for them, enabling them to perform their tasks efficiently and increase productivity, which in turn positively impacts the overall functioning of the organisation.
At the end of the celebration, Major General Ali Ghanim distributed gifts and certificates of appreciation to the workers and supporting staff in recognition of their outstanding contributions, wishing them continued success in their professional lives.